Friday 11 September 2015

Honest because we care

I've always said that honesty is best. Be honest about something if it bothers you about someone and they should be mature enough to take it, understand it and adapt/improve themselves in order to avoid that problem from happening again.

It may hurt to be told you're annoying, upsetting or angering someone, but don't you think it's better to be told when it does happen than for it to build up or get angry at each other and avoid each other until the other one apologises? That is a longer route to simply being told straight up and discussing it with each other in order to understand or come to a middle ground.

So that's what I appreciate at the moment. That someone cares or loves me enough to simply be honest with me before it becomes a real problem and risks losing whatever relationship we have together.

I do the same to those I care about and if they can't take it then it's a shame, but I can't associate with those who can't see that, since I believe it's a big part of accepting yourself above all else if you can accept what people aren't afraid to tell you. How else will you learn? It is one key of many in order to be happier about yourself, and your bond with someone.

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