Thursday 25 February 2016

Appreciating the one you have.

I appreciate when I can snuggle up into Luke's arms and lose myself. He is everything in that moment,  my world and my bliss.

Everything else melts away. I'm safe in his arms and when I am in bed without him and think of that moment,  I yearn for it as if it'll never happen again.  It is a sad truth that one day it won't, but being incredibly fussy when it comes to trusting someone, too have someone at all is precious. Small things get overlooked far too easily.  Someone who tolerates my crazy and makes me laugh and feel relaxed and comfortable around and they're fun and just as cynical as I am, more in fact. I am incredibly paranoid when it comes to people and struggle to trust.

But I miss being in his arms and watching something or just sleeping. I am small, almost tiny while there.  I don't feel I even have a body and my worries don't exist.  It's so quiet and beautiful to feel the warmth and softness of his skin and appreciate him for who he is and just by being there and what he means. I can turn my brain off and that's the only time it's quiet in there without occupying it with housework or painting etc.

So always appreciate when you have someone and think about them,  not yourself (although don't go overboard,  no one likes an obsessive clingy person.) Think about why you like or love them,  realise why and what makes them different. Because it's always lovely to be on the receiving end especially if it's from someone you love or respect in return. That's my personal advise because we're alive now.  Who knows what will happen other than the depressing reality if we let it get to us. Appreciate what you have right now! Love them. Your friends,  family,  partner(s), pets and so on. If you choose to live life on your own then that's fine too.

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